, Solano Parent And Child Education - Supporting parents as they raise children who reach for the stars!
Our mission is to help parents and caregivers
become more knowledgeable about child rearing,
gain confidence in their parenting abilities,
and gather support and friendship.
Frequently Ask Questions
Parent Information Sheet
The Fairfield-Suisun Adult School is proud to support
parents as they raise children who reach for the stars!
Welcome To SPACE Childcare Center at
The Fairfield Adult School
Room KC & Room 17
Before you can register for childcare you MUST watch our orientation video and complete the quiz!
Procedure to register
*After you view the orientation video and complete the quiz, you will be notified when space is available for childcare.
*At that time you will be emailed a fillable information card. *Please fill it out and email back to the email you received it from along with your child's shot records before the first day of child care
*Please click and read the documents below